Sunday, February 27, 2011



After Slumdog Millionaire won 8 Oscars on 22nd February and Smile Pinky added one more to the Indian Connection Booty, all the newspapers on 24th were full of OSC-AR RAHMAN News. They were simply raving about the success of the movie and Indian music in the 81st Academy Awards. I was expecting the same from other media too. Hence later on the day, while going to office when I put on my earphones to radio , I was not surprised to hear the Radio Jockey interviewing tele-callers about RahmanTriumph in the Oscars .
Under normal circumstances I would have changed the channel to another one playing music . Out of the entire day, I consider this journey time from home to office and back as my very own personal time . Thus sitting at the rear seat of my car, passing by the Ganges on the not so crowded streets from BNR to Babughat, I prefer to have the luxury of listening to some good music (courtesy FM) and nothing irritates me more than being interrupted by some radio interview broadcasts . But this time it was different. When I heard the tele-caller answering about Rahman’s music victory, I stopped myself from changing the channel to hear the common man’s reaction. The caller here was pretty astonished that a) there are other greater musicians like R.D.Burman , S.D.Burman, Salil Choudhury, Shanker Jaikishen, Naushad etc.. and they never got any Oscar and b) Rahman himself has given much better music than Jai Ho and those never got any Oscar.. so how come this one managed two. Later during the day, the same view was expressed in different forms by many of my acquaintances. Some were of the opinion that because the movie was made by a white skinned director, it got all the adulation. Had it been made by an Indian , it would not have got any thing. Some people with more fertile imagination even put forward the theory that because India signed the nuclear treaty, a movie with Indian connection managed to grab so many awards. Wish they could use their superb imagination in some constructive fields.

I do not want to delve into the subject of whether S.M. depicted the ugly side of India or not. So much has already been by the so called pundits in so many fora that the issue has become quite murky. What really hurts is the fact that when three Indians have won four academy awards, why not celebrate it as the victory of Indian music , unadulterated, without mixed feelings. When Bhanu Athhaiya won the Oscar for best costume design , did we ever question whether there were better costume designers in India ? Very rightly we just enjoyed the proud moment of an Indian getting the Oscar for the first time. In any case it was a proud and deserving case. Very recently one of the Hindi Cinema actresses got a Padmashree for her contribution to Indian Cinema. Well, is there even an iota of doubt as to whether or not there are better artists with more contribution to Indian Cinema. There are actually hundreds of better artists who deserve Padmashree more than any one any day. But when it happens in India, we do not grudge those oddities, even if it is clear to the simplest brain as to what machination lay behind such awards. Possibly, here in India, we think that we have a legal right to do such things. Why then should we grudge Rahman , Resul Pookutty and Gulzar of their acclaims which are so well deserved. It is true that India has produced many legendary musicians in the past . But because they did not get their dues in the international scene, today’s musicians also should not get their just dues is an unjust thing to say.
Indian music is slowly getting the global attention with the screening of more and more movies abroad. Also different races and societies have different likes and dislikes as far as music and other art forms are concerned. For example, some of the rock music, which are so popular in the west, may sound like cacophony to some Indian ears. Not all music that have national appeal will have international appeal too. Nevertheless that does not make any such art form inferior or superior to others. Rahman’s music belongs to a different genre which touches a chord with the international audience. It should not be linked with an outsider making the movie. If this was such a gospel truth, then the clairvoyants should have predicted about the movie’s future much before the Oscar nominations and our current super stars would not have refused the role of the game host in the movie. When we question the fact whether SM would have won so many accolades had it been directed and produced by an Indian, we must put forward another question to ourselves “ Why do not we make such movies in India”. We can not defend ourselves by saying “We do not want to show this dark side of our country”, because in umpteen movies in Hindi and other regional languages, poverty has been shown more nakedly in the past.

Therefore, instead of getting into the whys and hows , let us just bask in the glory of these three fellow Indians , and be grateful for making us so proud……
Sarmistha Pati (Milu)

Behind every successful male blogger, there is a female blogger...

Behind every successful male blogger, there is a female blogger...
I had been trying to this for quite some time , but was just not able to do it some how. But the idea ocuurred to me while I was writing my last post on BLOGs. You see, on working days in my house , day normally starts with the usual hustle bustle of packing my son to school. By the time I come back home after reaching my son at school , the morning tea-newspaper session is already started. There would always be discussions over hot cups of tea on the main news featured in the paper. Since my husband is an avid reader and feels equally passionate about subjects varying from science to psychology and Salvador Dali's surrealistic Painting's to Richard Dawkin's radical theories , he is normally the chief speaker at the discussion. Every time he used to air his views , i would think , how nice it would be if penned his views, opinions and thoughts , to make them non volatile. But then , as the famous urdu poet Nida Fazli says "kabhi kisi ko mukammal jahan nahin milta, kahin zameen toh kahin asmaan nahin milta (No one ever gets to own the complete universe , if somewhere an earth is missing elsewhere a sky) , my hubby is extremely lazy when it comes to writing with pen and paper. Here I am, always bursting with desire to become a writer but always short of ideas or words to express myself and whereas he has no dearth of these things, he just refuses to hold the pen . So I thought of using blogger to force my hubby from his couch by creating a blog site for him and which better day than 21st February, the Internal Mother Language Day. I have named it as teawithsaroj( as I want him to key in all his tea-time oratory into daily posts. He has just posted one item , but promises to update it daily. I just hope he becomes a very successful blogger so that I can proudly say "Behind every successful male blogger, there is a female blogger..."
Sarmistha Pati (Milu)


Whether it is Amitabh Bachan’s slamming the “Slumdog” or Amir Khan bitching about pet dog “Shahrukh “, whether it is a drawing room combat about national issues or the geopolitical fallout of Obamania - Blogs are the ubiquitous medium of self expression and it is here in the Blogosphere that millions of self proclaimed ctizen-journalists and soul searching columnists roam with gay abandon…

Gone are the days when websites would report the news from other media. It is time for a reverse osmosis – the regular media borrowing blog-contents for their latest reports . Be it news, reviews, debates or discussions – today’s blogs are abuzz with breaking news while also humming the reflections from a million private souls .

What exactly is a BLOG , how did it’s name as “blog” originate ? Well the word blog is a portmanteau word (a word which combines two words in meaning and sound e.g. MOTEL from Motor & Hotel) combining two words , WEB & LOG to WE BLOG or shortly BLOG. Hence a blog is basically an online - diary or e-journal posted on the web. It is a chronological recording of thoughts, expressions, views which can be viewed as well as commented by others. They are normally informal and personal in nature, but there are exceptions.

When I was in school, my father used to give me well-bound diaries at the beginning of every new year to jot down our daily activities and experiences. I used to religiously write my diary every day before going to bed which gave me an opportunity to vent out my feelings. It was a means of introspection and a dialogue with my inner-self. But now there is a difference in recording one’s journal in a paper diary and a web-diary. The contents of a web-diary or Blog is not limited to the blogger only and can be viewed by many.

The history of Blogs dates back to the year 1997, though it gained speed in 1999. Blogging would not have been so successful (there are presently more than 100 million blog-sites on the web) , had it not been for the revolution in the communication technology resulting in fast and cheap internet connectivity and most importantly the availability of free automated blogging software, created by Google (Radio & Blogger ) , Microsoft (MSN Space) and others . If a person wants to publish an article, it used to be extremely difficult to do so unless he or she was a regular journalist with access to the print or electronic media (even though the concept of citizen journalism has started to gather pace, it has limited scope). But with these automated publishing software, it is exceedingly easy to have one’s blog site ready within minutes for publishing. These software provide many exciting features . For example , if a reader opts to subscribe to a blog, he or she is automatically updated through emails about any new content added to that particular blog. Another reason why the blogs are so popular is that they do not bind the writer with constraints such as page size or word count nor do they limit the blogger to any particular topic of discussion.

Even though mainly blog sites are used for expression of personal thoughts, they have multifarious uses - they can be used as a forum for discussions and debates on current affairs, used as a source for music/movie/book/play reviews, publishing the latest findings by academicians and researchers, promoting business activities and so on and so forth. It also acts as a bridge between the celebrities and political figures with their fans as they come directly in contact with their audience though the interactive blogs. As personalities from other fields have started blogging, some of the successful blog writers like Duncan Black (known widely by his pseudonym, Atrios), Glenn Reynolds (Instapundit), Markos Moulitsas ZĂșniga (Daily Kos), Alex Steffen (Worldchanging) and Ana Marie Cox (Wonkette) have moved to Radio and Television. Some bloggers have also published the contents of their blog site into books.

Blogs have some what become an alternative to print or electronic media because of their capacity to publish even controversial material instantly without going through the various layers of scrutiny and censorship which the traditional publishing media entail. Again , even though bloggers are free to express their views, they are also subject to legal actions , degree of which varies depending upon the country of publishing. But the real power of blog has come to the fore because of onsite instant reporting of facts by some blogger in war torn countries like Iraq where official media attempted to suppress or distort unpleasant happenings. With internet live and blogs kicking, there can be no more Iron Curtains or Big Brother censorship in any country.

Finally, whether the blogs are going to replace traditional mass media, is a zillion dollar question. It’s application has been very well put by Stefan Glanzer, one of the founders of blogging system 20six: “If you want to reach millions you book an ad on TV and if you want to reach one person you use e-mail or telephone. But if you want to reach between 5 and 500 people, a blog is the ideal tool to communicate”.

Hence let us use it constructively as one of the most important tools of communication which science has been so kind to have provided us today..
So, all you out there on the web take heart from Omar Khayam as …:
“The Moving blogger writes; and, having writ, Moves on to post some more of his pensive thoughts: .”.
Sarmistha Pati (Milu)

Keep your words sweet-you may have to eat them some time : Vachane Ka Daridrata

Keep your words sweet-you may have to eat them some time : Vachane Ka Daridrata

Yesterday, after I returned from office, my domestic help told me that a very close friend of mine (let us call her x) had called and had left a message for me to call her back. I felt very happy as I had not spoken to x for long and thought it would be great to have a long chat session with her since I was relatively free that evening , my son’s exams having gotten over the previous week. Hence I decided to call her while having my usual cup of coffee after a hard day’s work (this is how I normally justify gulping endless cups of coffee) so that I could enjoy a lively gossip session accompanied by hot filter coffee. But as they say, man proposes and god disposes ; only thing, this time god was not the culprit, but the credit was due to a common friend of ours. When I called my friend x , I found her sounding terribly low over the phone. I could immediately feel that some thing was amiss. So I started enquiring whether she was in the pink of her health or was about to make her purse lighter in exchange for making her doctor’s pocket heavier. But she denied being affected by any thing remotely close to somatic disorder. The reason she was not her usual bubbly self talking nineteen to dozen was that she was extremely pained by some thing told to her by this common friend of ours (let us call her y) . She confided in me by reproducing verbatim the sentences spoken by y without missing a single punctuation mark. When I heard , I also felt very bad for x. But I was in a dilemma. I didn’t know whether to console x or defend y. Both of them were very close friends of mine and were also equally close to each other. In fact many a times, when x was in a soup, it was y who had bailed her out. Also, y deliberately did not hurt her friend, it was just her way of talking; she just did not mind or bother when she told some thing and just ejaculated whatever came to her mind at any given point in time, without realising the consequences . She even did not bother whether the sentences were hitting below the belt or went tangential in the space. So I started putting balm on x’s wounded emotions by saying that y actually could not have meant what she said and she really cared for x, reminding her one by one the incidents which would justify my words. Slowly but steadily I could change her mood and at the end she even started cribbing about her new maid. So I knew , with the help of time the great healer, she would come round the next morning. And as I had predicted she was her usual self again the next morning and every thing was honky dory between she and y. But all along , y was blissfully unaware of the turmoil she created in x’s life for one night and of course my inflated telephone bill.

But after that , I just could not stop musing about the whole episode, thinking how easy it is for a person to make another creature’s life miserable even for a few hours even if the recipient is a loved one. Words have that power… An encouraging word can lift someone down and out and help them make it through the day. Whereas a destructive word to someone who is already down can be the final blow to finish them. Words have changed people, words have changed civilization and it is words who even altered the course of history. Whether it is Martin Luther King or Marx, Churchill or Gandhi , Christ or Budhha it is their spoken word that captivated millions. The power of words is nowhere more glaringly evident that in the divine discourse of the Hindu Scripture Gita which persuaded a reluctant warrior to fight for justice. Such is the power of words..... No wonder a few careless unfeeling words from somebody is enough to kill your spirit!
There is a Chinese proverb which says “ Four things come not back: the spoken word, the sped arrow, the past life and the neglected opportunity”. Even though we do not have much control over the last three, with a little care we can control the first one. One just has to just remember the saying “Keep your words sweet - you may have to eat them sometime”

Well , the manner in which people use these all powerful words verbally broadly divides them into five broad categories:

The first category consists of people who intentionally say hurtful things to cause maximum pain to the listener with deliberate sadistic pleasure. They have absolutely no qualms about hitting below the belt, taking into advantage the other parties’ helplessness. These people are incorrigible. But their behaviour is not uniform across all cross section of the society. When they speak to people in influential position, they would be setting new examples in sycophancy. But the best way to tackle these people would be by retaliating on the spot and foiling all their pleasure and may be giving them the visiting cards of few well known psychiatrists. I have nothing to say to these people except that “May God the almighty help these people”

The second category draws their inspiration from the sugar coated bitter pills. They will be so all honey candy in front of you that your blood sugar level might temporarily rise. But the moment you turn your back they will start dissecting your character starting from your 14th ascendants without even the help of any scissors, knives or scalpels. Back-biting is their forte and bitching , most favourite pastime. They do not spare any one, not even their so called friends. They have absolutely no scruples or ethics. They think they have the global right on character assassination. When in presence of A, they will speak ill of B and the moment A exits and B enters, B will be the confidante and A the target. These people are the most dangerous ones as they can cause you the maximum harm without your knowledge. They just can not be trusted as they have no real friend and they are not loyal to any one. The best way to tackle these people is through direct confrontation and if there is no improvement should be ostracized from the group.

The third category is just plain careless bordering on a little insensitive. Most of the times they do not actually mean what they say and allow their impulses get better of them. They are just not guarded. But they mean no harm. My friend ‘y’ will find a place in this category. The best way to handle this category would be through indirect counselling and letting them know how without meaning any thing bad they cause sadness in others.

The fourth category is the one who are normally very cautious and guarded in their speech. They try their best not to hurt any one and in the process some times hurt themselves. But inadvertently some times they slip some thing which might pain others. But these miserable creatures after the slip of tongue are filled with so much remorse that they suffer more than the words. They truly believe in the saying “Swiftest horse cannot overtake the word once spoken”. No advise for this category. They are only to be sympathised and pitied.

The last category of people are the ones who do every thing right. They don’t misbehave nor do they fawn with their speech. They speak as the situation demands and win hearts through their tongue.

At the end I am fondly reminded of a Sanskrit shloka which my maternal grand mother used to recite to me during my childhood days and has been my guide throughout:
Priyavakya Pradanena Sarve Tushyanti Jantavah
Tasmattadeva Vaktavyam Vachane Ka Daridrata

(All the living beings on earth feel happy when they are spoken to in a pleasing manner.So, people should only speak pleasingly to others and not be stingy with good words as there is no dearth of it.)
Sarmistha Pati (Milu)

Life is about correcting mistakes..

Life is about correcting mistakes..
Few days back I received a very sweet mail from a dear friend. I would like to share this wonderful story with every one....

Priya married Hitesh this day. At the end of the wedding party,
Priya's mother gave her a newly opened bank saving passbook.
With Rs.1000 deposit amount.
Mother: 'Priya, take this passbook. Keep it as a record of your marriage
life. When there's something happy and memorable happened in your new
life, put some money in. Write down what it's about next to the line. The
more memorable the event is, the more money you can put in. I've done the
first one for you today. Do the others with Hitesh.When you look back
after years, you can know how much happiness you've had.'
Priya shared this with Hitesh when getting home. They both thought it
was a great idea and were anxious to know when the second deposit can be

This was what they did after certain time:
- 7 Feb: Rs.100, first birthday celebration for Hitesh after marriage
- 1 Mar: Rs.300, salary raise for Priya
- 20 Mar: Rs.200, vacation trip to Bali
- 15 Apr: Rs.2000, Priya got pregnant
- 1 Jun: Rs.1000, Hitesh got promoted
..... and so on...

However, after years, they started fighting and arguing for trivial
things.They didn't talk much. They regretted that they had married the
most nasty people in the world.... no more love...Kind of typical
nowadays, huh?

One day Priya talked to her Mother:
'Mom, we can't stand it anymore. We agree to divorce. I can't imagine how
I decided to marry this guy!!!'
Mother: 'Sure, girl, that's no big deal. Just do whatever you want if you
really can't stand it. But before that, do one thing first. Remember the
saving passbook I gave you on your wedding day? Take out all money and
spend it first. You shouldn't keep any record of such a poor marriage.'

Priya thought it was true. So she went to the bank, waiting at the queue
and planning to cancel the account.
While she was waiting, she took a look at the passbook record. She looked,
and looked, and looked. Then the memory of all the previous joy and
happiness just came up her mind. Her eyes were then filled with tears. She
left and went home.

When she was home, she handed the passbook to Hitesh, asked him to spend
the money before getting divorce.
The next day, Hitesh gave the passbook back to Priya. She found a new
deposit of Rs.5000. And a line next to the record: 'This is the day I
how much I've loved you thru out all these years. How much happiness
you've brought me.'
They hugged and cried, putting the passbook back to the safe.

Do you know how much money they had saved when they retired? I did not
ask.I believe the money did not matter any more after they had gone thru
all the good years in their life.

"When you fall, in any way,
Don't see the place where you fell, Instead see the place from where you

Life is about correcting mistakes."
Sarmistha Pati (Milu)


My formative years

My formative years

My formative years
Since this is the first topic on my blog, I felt it had to be about me, the person my son knows as his "Mom" , my family and close friends know as "Mili" and others as "Ritu Malhotra". Well when I say the post has to be about me, I definitely don't want to give an impression as though I have had a very exciting and memorable life so far. My background, my life is simple and rather too predictable. As a child , I was extremely shy , reserved , unassuming and obedient. Except academics, I was not very sure of myself in any other field. Maybe that is what kept me away from being comfortable in un-familiar milieus. Born in an orthodox family that believed in the usual stereotype of “good Indian girl”, my childhood moved on the familiar track of Indian Middle class values. There were strict rule for girls. They had to always watch over their shoulders. They had to remain pure.

But in my family, there was one exception. I was encouraged to be financially independent. I was told that “Independence in life “ can be achieved through a good job and the easiest way to make a career for an Indian youth was through Studies unless of course he or she was as gifted as the great Amitabh Bachan or Lata Mangeskar. For me, I knew my limits as a singer or dancer or painter or a sports person.

So for me , childhood was meant to be studies, books and exams. And slowly but steadily I started considering indulgence in any sort of non-academic thing as blasphemy! Hence during my teens , unlike other girls of my age , I kept make-ups, fashionable clothes, attending parties at bay. And friendship with the opposite sex was the biggest taboo of them all! I followed this regimen with a maniacal zeal and drew great praise from my teachers , friends and family members. I was branded as the goody goody , simple , puritanical teen both in school as well as outside. “ Here goes xxx the real good family girl ", they all would say to their children and I would beam with pride, my behaviour doubly reinforced!

But that did not stop me from being extremely romantic at heart. I had my share of crushes and infatuations, but the teen aged girl in me , turned inwards- Sublimating her natural feelings of normal teenaged girl in long hours of wishful day-dreaming. I would relapse , very often, into my won private world where there were no pressures to confirm to some standard, where there was no need to be good to win praises. I lived there, increasingly everyday, in that small corner of my mind, looking at my other “good self” with strong disdain .

By this time, the reader must be thinking I must have done wonders in academic achievements. Well I did perform better than average in getting into one of the best Engineering Colleges of my state in the first attempt, but I was capable of much more, had it not been for my long hours of day dreaming, living in a delusional world and constant endeavour to show the world that I was as pure as a Lily.. Now in retrospect , I often probe myself whether it was a good idea to denounce everything to gain the image of a good student with a puritanical soul and get into the vicious circle of goodism or I should have had exercised my right to a normal teen-hood.....

Sarmistha Pati (Milu)
