Wednesday, January 19, 2011

In A New Avataar

Hi everyone!!! I am back again . Well had gone into hibernation n now out of it though winter is still on. Frankly speaking , had become very lazy last few months n thoughts of writing posts remained thoughts only and never actually got translated into black and white or should i say into keystrokes of my laptop. As if my lethargy  was not enough , I accidentally deleted my google id to which was linked my previous blog id i.e. . Suddenly i realised i had lost my blog . However much i tried , I could not retrieve my site. And then And then the truth prevailed on me. It had become a part of my life and the loss was tremendous. I suddenly felt a very vital part of me had left me due to my negligence or aloofnes and I badly wanted it back. As any other human being , i too got to know the importance of something only after losing it . Last few months I had not given any care or importance to it and now when it was no more mine , I was missing it like any thing . I tried a lot to undo my action of deleting the google account and moved from one internet forum to another in search of a solution to retrieve my dear dearblog. I hadnt even saved final copies of my posts in any form after my harddisk got formatted. I was so sure they were in safe cyber haven, never thought of taking a printed or any other backup. When i had lost all hopes of reconstructing the old posts in a new blog site, God listened to my prayers. It was God's blessings in the form of  unrelenting efforts of caring friends , I could get back the pages from google's cached pages or saved pages. I dedicate this new avataar to my friends cum well wishers who brought back all the pages from the lost world when I had  lost all hopes of retrieving them. Had it not been for their support, faith , belief and trust this blogger could not have been incorrigible... So all my heartfelt thanks from the bottom of my heart and humblest gratitude for giving life to this incorrigible blogger. All the retrieved posts are republished hereunder though sans the previous juicy comments and counter comments. Much though i had enjoyed the comments , it was not possible to relocate those. But new comments , even the not so complimentary ones are most most most welcome.

1 comment:

  1. welcome back.....and keep posting.....we are ready with our comments..;)
